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A simple setup to manipulate an SDF matrix with an object transformation. Here used for a cutaway effect.
Creating Camera FAcing Billboard Splats out of a boring old Quad Mesh.
A Maskable Blur. To blur your fog. Your depth. Or any arbitrary screen/world mask like lighting or shadows.
Updated the Environmental Interaction Files to be neater, and added in grass sway.
Creating a Fog of War (both unexplored and unobserverd levels) via a top down render texture.
Using a ribbon on a particle system to create a blood spurt effect that colliders with geometry.
A simple way to create particles along a weapon mesh automatically when swung.
A dissolve shader on sphere meshes to create goopy mud/lava bubbles.
Rendering a render texture on to itself to create a smeary feedback effect
Further exploration into fun effects with fake mesh light volumes.
Adding texture projection to the fake mesh lights. Illuminating!
Faking Point lights with billboards. Thousands of Lights in Forward! MOAR LIGHTS
An explanation of a simple approach to Toon Lighting, and some interesting things you can do with it.
Pixels of different sizes living together in harmony. With some smudge and noise.
Blobby Polygon variations. Smoke, Oil and Fire, made by command buffer blurring
Blobby Polygon Clouds and Liquids made by blurring the GBuffer normals
A customisable eye shader. Put the highlight where you want it. + A version that uses zero textures.
Changing lots of materials cheaply without creating material instances via Material Property Blocks
Flexible 'Breath of the Wild' inspired Hit Impact FX, spawned with a particle multi-emitter.
Outline variations - colourful and jittery and all done via post processing.
A way to make dynamic Fire and Smoke trails that stay smooth in motion, without using particles.
Here's a rain shader that uses a blurred screen texture (done via a command buffer) to create a bloomed light refracting through the drops.
I've put together a little script to make Zappy Zaps with LineRenderers.
Here's a way to make smokey projectile trails It can be used for standard gunfire, lasers, and also a lighting gun type of effect.
Chunky Polygonal Toon Explosions. Good for thick toon smoke as well.
Stencil particles. Gradient Texture Editors. Fog Volumes. Custom Vertex Streams.
Two simple laser type effects. One like a laser sight using raycasts, and another that's more like a sci-fi sweep scanner.
Flexible Pulse Scanning shader on a sphere - pops the rim and any geometry overlaps, with optional distortion.
A good approach for stopping foliage, grass, and other objects from getting in the way of the camera is to fade them out via the camera depth.
A nice simple way to pop out the silhouette of a cave entrance or other level detail is to use a silhouette card to fill the area with a tint of light.
Using a stepped depth fade where a weapon trail meets underlying geometry to create a temporary 'cut line' .
A triplanar environment toon shader with light wrapping and some other toon-shader features.
Sketchy shader, with cross hatched shadows, outlines (internal and external) and a matcap rimlight.
3D Skybox system with floating point imprecision workaround.
Rendering shadows on transparent surfaces is not trivial, but by rendering the water twice we can get around this.
Using Shader Replacement we can add colour to the shadows as a post processing effect.
Using Shader Replacement for an edge breakup effect, and jittery outlines
Using UV offset by light direction you can fake lighting on flat smoke particles.
Using particles to create environmental interactions, like water ripples and mud/snow trails.
With another UV offset pass, we can fake the volumetric clouds shader with only a single layer.
Here's a simple Half Tone shader, in both an image effect variation and a per object variation (the sphere in the middle).
Using Shader Replacement to add an edge breakup and a jittery outlines as a post processing effect.
Rim light, refraction, and vertex wobble for an up and down bobbing done in shader.
Quad stack to create volumetric clouds.
Single Quad flickering candle flames and a translucent wax shader.
SSS with light control and a foliage version